Call for Papers
Whether you are a researcher or expert from industry or the public sector: we cordially invite you to shape the future of GIScience with us at GEOINFORMATIK 2013! We especially encourage members of the public sector to submit their experiences with GI-technologies.We cordially invite you to submit contributions for GEOINFORMATIK 2013. The three day event presents opportunities for researchers and field experts alike to inform themselves about the newest applications and to discuss future research directions.
GEOINFORMATIK 2013 especially invites contributions for the following topics of interest:
- sensors and humans as sensors
- innovative GDI solutions
- ubiquitous GI-services
- GI in 3D: acquisition, analysis and visualization
- renewable energies, the "energy turn" and GI
Apart from these, all other topics relevant to the GISc-domain are welcome for submission.
GEOINFORMATIK 2013 will offer a Science Track with presentations given in English for accepted research papers. A poster session will allow participants to present current works in progress, research ideas and last-minute results.
A parallel Application Track offers practitioners from private and public sectors alike to present technologies and innovative applications. The talks will be given in German or English. The accompanying Trade Show enables direct exchange and presentation of relevant products and services.
The submission deadline for the extended abstracts (1-2 pages) from economy, administration and science is 21 December 2012. Exploit this opportunity to present and discuss your projects, technologies, new concepts and research results with an expert audience.
You can download the template here.
Paper submission:
Please submit papers (and poster abstracts) before the announced deadline (see Dates and Deadlines) via our conference management system.
Sponsored presentations:
Companies will have the opportunity to present their products and services on oral presentations and exhibits at GEOINFORMATIK 2013. You will find further information for exhibitors and sponsors here soon.
Trade show:
Companies, government agencies and other institutes and organizations may present themselves in a booth to an interested audience of researchers, field experts and practitioners.
Moreover we offer you the possibility of interactively presenting your software, services and innovations in the context of free workshops as well as to develop joint action strategies through an intense exchange of expertise among the participants.